Welcome to RAGtrack | GPS Fleet Management Platforms

Logistic Transportation

Logistic Transportation

Running a logistics business and looking to control all stages of delivery and field services operations?


Our Logistics moduleallows to perform

a wide range of tasks in the area of logistics and delivery – transportation arrangements, transport processes optimization and cost saving. Logistics comprises a web-version for dispatchers and a mobile application for drivers.

Web-version ensures effective operating procedures for GPS fleet tracking management: order placement, planning and distribution, Google Maps-based routing, delivery process monitoring and coordination. The mobile application is designed for delivery personnel and mobile employees

Business IT Support Features

  • RFID System Driver identification and authorized vehicle access
  • ADAS- Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to prevent driver distractions and detect driver fatigue while driving.
  • Immobilization System Emergency system to remotely immobilize the engine in case of unauthorized.
  • CAN-bus GPS tracking device Location and driver performance, seal belt sensor.